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 * How can I join North Brisbane Social Activities? 

You can join by finding the group on where you will get FREE access to our social events. The link is listed below.


* How often does North Brisbane Social Activities organize social events?


We run events at least 2-3 times a month. We have 2 monthly activities, our Board Game + Dinner night on the 1st Friday of the month and our signature event, our Picnic & Party Games on either the 4th or 5th Saturday of the month. We also Laser Tag that we organize once every 2 months. Then we have our special events like our Brisbane City Scavenger Hunt which we run 3 times a year and our annual Xmas Dinner. 


 * How do I contact the organizers?


You can either send an email to us about anything you want to know at and we will get to you in less than a full day, guarantied! Or you can attend to one of our social events and talk to the Head Organizer there.  


  * Are there any age restrictions for joining North Brisbane Social Activities?


Preferably, you should only join our group if you are 18 years and older. Anyone under 18 needs to accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. We will not be held responsible if anything happens to them. 


* Are there any rules or guidelines for participating in events or activities? 


We are fairly laid back when it comes to our rules and regulations as we believe in the freedom to be yourself and we don't judge anyone for their personality type whether your extraverted, introverted or even if you're awkward. However, we have 6 rules that everyone should follow.​

​1. No physical, verbal or emotional abuse.

2. No negative or toxic behavior. 

3. No spamming or trying to sell your product.

4. Under 18's are not allowed to attend any event unless supervised by an adult at all times. We will not be held responsible for anything that happens to those underage. 

5. Discussions about politics or religion are not allowed in the group setting with both topics being divisive subjects. Only have those discussions in private. 

6. Report any bad behavior to the Head Organizer where necessary action will be taken.  


* Can I bring guests to events or activities and is the a limit on how many guests I can bring?


When you RSVP to our events on Meetup, you will be given the option to bring guests. How many guests you be able to bring will depend on how big the event is. Small events with low    RSVP limits will only have the option to bring 1 guest while bigger ones with no RSVP limits will have the option to bring 3 or more.   


* What happens if an event is cancelled or rescheduled?


If an event gets cancelled you will be notified by a comment on the event page on Meetup. It's best to check the comments right before you leave to attend the event in case you missed the notification. However an event won't usually get cancelled unless the weather is severe or something unexpected comes up.  


  * Can I share photos or videos from events on social media?


Yes but only if other attendees there consent to it. If they do you are welcome to include them in your photos or videos. 


 * How can I provide feedback or suggestions for improving the social group?


Send an email to the Head Organizer at to give feedback and suggestions for how the group can be improved. If there are any serious concerns, they will be dealt with as quickly as possible.  


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